Antivenom against Vipera berus is effective against Macrovipera lebetina

04 Март 2021

Al-Shekhadat R.I., Lopushanskaya K.S., Segura A., Gutierrez J.A., Guillermo L. Antivenom against Vipera berus is effective against Macrovipera lebetina //Toxicon. — Volume 159. — Supplement 1. — 5 March 2019. — Page S32.


To date there is no drug to treat M.lebetina envenoming in Russian Federation. The drug «Antivenom against V.berus», registered in  the Russian Federation was analyzed. This antivenom was shown to neutralize lethal activity (4LD50) of both V.berus and M. lebetina venom with equal potency. The effective neutralizing dose was found to be 2 mg of venom per ml of the antivenom. At first, the LD50 values for the venoms of V.berus and M.lebetina were determined. For this reason, 5 groups of 5 mice (20  g) each were taken. The venom was injected intraperitoneally with 500 μl in the following doses: 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, and 4mg/kg. The mortality was recorded for 2 days. LD50 for V.berus was 1.08 mg/kg, and for M.lebetina3.2 mg/kg. To determine the neutralizing potency of the antivenom against each venom 4 groups of 5 mice were taken. Each mouse was injected intraperitoneally with 500 μl of the mixture containing V.berus or M. lebetina venom (4LD50) and antivenom in the following doses: 2, 4, 6, 16 mg of venom per ml of the antivenom. All mixtures were prewarmed for 30 minutes at 37°C in the water bath prior to administration. Mortality was recorded in two days. The neutralizing potency of the antivenom was evaluated according to Probit analysis. Neutralizing activity of the antivenom against both venoms was estimated to be 2 mg/ml. There are 2 main venomous snakes in Russia: V. berus and M.lebetina (Dagestan republic). However, the antivenom against the M.lebetina envenoming is currently absent. The data obtained could be used for further medical application extension of «Antivenom against V.berus», registered in the Russian Federation. It is interesting, that although snakes M.vipera and V. berus belong to different genera diversified 20 million years ago; their venoms have an immunological similarity.

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